Saturday, November 6, 2010


i oa alot and within the past few seconds, i started becoming concerned that those who randomly stumble upon this will be bored by my first post. so maybe ill actually blog here.

so my life.. my life... yea.. im in a bit of a pickle at the momment. i guess all the thinking is what prompted me to start a blog. i'm confused.. i want to move on. get over it. but its hard isnt it? he was a nice guy.. just right for me.. but sometimes that's just not enough.. and i hope that could be the final word. but no, tiffany likes to think and be sad, and think some more and make unnecessary jokes, which leads me back to the question of if i really should move on.. which i really want the answer to be yes...

fuck im pathetic. life is so much more than just relationships. and i promise, there is much more to me than just self pity =) i bought a new camera! nikkon d3000, its fun to play with and i hope to develop this interest. i'll upload some photos someday..  this can be like a photo diary! oh how fun!

i have a good life. a great one. be happy you ungrateful knob.

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