Saturday, February 12, 2011

on a less serious note..

so much has happened since the last post, and lazy me have not been bothered blogging about it, but i wanna talk about something else today.

People seem to find SEX a very taboo topic. Maybe not everyone, but the people i hang around, my family, i think its quite a normal topic, nothing to be embarrassed about! I'll be 20 in around hald a year, and i think theres nothing wrong with having a casual chat about sex.

So for me, i havent been sexually active for all that long. I first had sex with my ex, and i have to say, im glad he was the one. to this day, i still think he's an amazing, caring, sometimes not understood kind of guy. Im really thankful to have been in his life, and glad to have shared all i have with him.

im not gonna write about all my sexual experiences, but what i though was funny, is that it's been a while since i've had sex. and as much as some girls dont like to admit it, i do kinda miss it, and kinda want it sometimes. i guess like guys, girls too are hormonal, get aroused, and horny. Is it something to get embarrassed about? i dont think so, i just dont openly share this to everyone because i dont think people want to know haha!

sex to me is a means of showing affection. people have told me that it allows them to be the closest to the one they care and love. at first i thought it was all lies and sweet talk, but now i can see that sex isnt all about orgasms and feeling aroused. being able to remove the horniness aspect and attatch emotion into it, i think is very plaudable.

so even though its been a while for me, im not one to find someone random for a pleasure fuck. as horny as i am, im proud to still be able to only want to share it with someone i care about.

cheers! ;)