Monday, April 4, 2011


I really do think life is about perspective. One day you may wake up feeling angry and cranky, the next, even your mum's poop doesnt smell too bad. Although for me, the latter is never possible, i do believe that everything is all about perspective; how you react to situations is a consequence of how you interpret them. Maybe it's because i've been in a brighter mood latelty, but perspective doesnt seem to be too hard afterall!

i remember about a week ago, i had a little cry to my friend and complained that i felt like my life is in a transition from one stage to another. i felt like i had no direction, no meaning and no motivation to try. sometimes little things give your the little push you need. i do feel like i've successfully moved to a new stage in life. i feel content with who i am and what i have again, which motivates me to get back in the game. 8)

on a different note, since i've quitted my last job, ive been looking for a new one for a while, and finally found a possible! im having a 'trial shift' at a club  at the cross on Thursday and hope it will all work out well! i dont want much, all im asking for is no seedy workers, no seedy customers, friendly ambience and REALLY GOOD PAY!! i've decided to not set standards too high and compromise for a min. $17/hr. more will be appreciated.

float, floating is good.